When embarking upon a new phase of life’s journey, supportive and reassuring peace often comes from knowing that others are walking alongside and sharing in the journey.
For the past seven and a half months, Megan and I have been on a beautiful and rewarding journey that has found us preparing our home – and more importantly, our lives! – for parenthood. We’re so incredibly grateful for the many ways we have already felt support and love in this transitional time, and we’re excited to be able to introduce our new little one to the world in about seven weeks. What a blessing it is for us to have the reassurance of the countless ways they (and I'm using the singular, non-gendered "they" here... no, we're not having twins) will be surrounded by the love of family, of friends, and of a faithful congregation as they claim their place as a beloved child of God, made in God’s image. As you continue to walk with us on this journey, we want to give you some important updates about the sweet baby we’re preparing to welcome into the world.
AuthorI'm a husband, father, news junkie, theatre lover, enneagram enthusiast, bi advocate, amateur foodie, wannabe barista, and an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA). LocationBoise, Idaho
CopyrightAll works by Rev. TJ Remaley on this website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This blog is maintained personally by me and does not necessarily represent the views of any congregation I have served. Every effort is made to give proper attribution for quotations, images, and other media used on this page.